Integrated Marketing Support

In addition to developing marketing messages that truly differentiate our client’s products and services, we’ve created and implemented tactics that deliver those messages to our clients target audiences. By coordinating all messaging within marketing tactics, we leverage the branding process. Some examples are:

Personal Injury Law Firm

Friend, Levinson and Turner is a Chicago based law firm that specialized in personal injury law, workers’ compensation cases, and real estate law. Excel Marketing assists them with key marketing support including their logo, website content, monthly blogs, custom videos, and monthly monitoring of website traffic via Google Analytics.

Website :

Personal Injury Law Firm

Manufacturing Company

Ramcel Precision Stamping and Manufacturing applies sophisticated, technology based progressive stamping in manufacturing custom metal parts for consumer products and the automotive, healthcare, and computer industries. Excel Marketing assists them with key marketing support including their logo, website content, custom videos, brochure, case studies, trade show exhibit booth, and monthly monitoring of website traffic via Google Analytics.

Website :

Download Ramcel Deck 1

Download Ramcel Deck 2

Manufacturing Company

Food Industry Company

Kronos Foods is a specialty food company featuring Mediterranean cuisine and desserts found in restaurants and grocery deli-sections across the country. Excel Marketing assists them with key marketing support including branding their dessert line, print advertisements in specialty publications, and demonstration videos.

Kronos Food Deck

Food Industry Company
Food Industry Company

We deliver creative, yet practical marketing and communications tactics that target our client’s audiences.